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State Tyranny: Losing US Freedom
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State Tyranny: Losing US Freedom
The 14th Amendment marked a significant shift in this understanding, stating that no state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens....

Misconception of Freedom & Role of the State

The narrative in America often portrays the central government as a potential adversary to freedom. Indeed, federal agencies like the NSA can infringe upon constitutional liberties by unauthorized surveillance of the very citizens who fund them. However, there are often more pressing threats to freedom that live closer to home no matter where you may reside in the Union.

While the U.S. Federal government proposes a concept of "qualified immunity" that shields American officials from prosecution for violating our laws, a closer scrutiny reveals that the more significant threats to American freedoms stem from centralized state governments rather than the federal government. A future point of exploration could be the issues associated with centralized decision-making structures and the potential solutions offered by decentralized governments or democracies.

Furthermore, within the U.S., it is worth noting that the term "democracy" has been intentionally rebranded as "Direct Democracy". This is done to avoid the obvious realization that the United States does not truly embody the form of democracy that we often reference in our national discourse. Despite the frequent use of phrases like "democratic values" or references to the "Democratic" party, the reality is that the U.S. is a Republic, not a Democracy.

In such a system, where there's a celebration of a form of governance that doesn't truly exist, it becomes necessary to rebrand Democracy as something slightly different. Ironically, there's no such thing as "direct democracy", and there's no trace of Democracy in our republic.

Some even go as far as to label our republic as a "democratic republic", a term that would be meaningless to English speakers from other countries, as it's a term strictly invented by U.S. central governments, both state and federal. A key point to remember here is that in a typical republic like the U.S., where language is often manipulated to suit its needs, we find direct consequences, such as the process of hiring new police recruits, which leaves other developed nations cringing in discomfort.

Reality check: A nation built on fictional ideals will inevitably hire police officers with lower than average IQs. Why? Simply put, the powers that be cannot afford to have subordinates who are more intelligent than they are such that they will be inclined to ensure the average police IQ is lower than their own IQ.

Any nation engaged in prison profiteering, like the former USSR or the U.S., must ensure that their law enforcement, the gatekeepers through which citizens are criminalized and funneled into prisons for profit, are less intelligent than the political heads that employ them.

To illustrate this point, consider the police entrance test, which primarily screens for mental disturbances and measures something akin to IQ. This allows officials to gauge IQ without officially measuring it. But why select candidates such that the average police IQ is significantly below the normal IQ? The answer is simple. If the servant is smarter than the master, they will eventually become the master.

In nature, when comparing species of greater intelligence with those of lesser IQ, we often observe the more intelligent species dominate or even enslave the less intelligent. This is evident when comparing ants with aphids, where ants essentially enslave aphids to produce a sweet honey that the ants find delectable. Similarly, U.S. D.O.C. officials and court personnel enjoy the "sweet honey" produced when non-criminal taxpayers are criminalized and incarcerated at a cost of 200-300 U.S. tax dollars per night.

While it's clear that these costs are at least 400% over the actual costs of incarceration, what we lack are recordings of the individuals and their computer screens as the excess money is funneled through shell corporations owned by trusted Bar-Member friends of court officials that provide no tangible services whatsoever.

Citizens lack confessions from officials stating, "OK, we take money back from the DOC for each warm body we send in, we mix the criminals with therest of you to make you look like them, we just do this for money, it's all done for money, we don't kill anyone, please stop torturing me." Indeed, methods like waterboarding and other forms of torture only succeed in making people say what they think you want to hear.

Regardless, when the time comes to bring justice to the U.S. and Russian justice systems, it may be due to the rise of value cryptocurrency replacing the infinitely printable government paper fiat, or due to public outcry. However, the key to the latter method for purging government of prison profiteering is not to suggest what you want to hear.

Instead, as you begin with various forms of enhanced interrogation, you would start with something like, "We're going to make you uncomfortable now until you tell the truth about any wrongdoing as a Justice System or State/Federal Court official, okay? Here we go, this is going to feel uncomfortable, but remember that you can stop it at any time by telling the truth, okay?" But before you consider torturing anyone, there's more to understand. There's a better way, one that doesn't require monstrous behavior to combat the perceived acts of monsters. Keep reading.

It would be most preferable if we could wait until cryptocurrency naturally replaces paper fiat based on the invisible hands of supply and demand. That demand would be all it takes to steer the world in the right direction and fully adopt the cryptocurrency or Bitcoin flavor of our choosing.

However, by the time we replace inflationary debt-based currency with actual currencies of value on the current trajectory, armies of centralized governments will have already become fully mechanized and willing to turn on citizens and commit any atrocities desired by the power elite.

A centralized government with a fully mechanized, automated ground fighting force, paired with unmonitored help from top python coders versed in TensorFlow and similar code libraries, would spell the end not only for free speech and free travel, but for the perception of "democratic" values and perhaps even free will itself.

It's important to note that the government has already mechanized all of the sea, missile, and air combat operations needed for war and that we have already done away with the right to travel freely as explicitly guaranteed to us under U.S. federal Common Law.

More fundamental than Constitutional Law, Common Law clearly promises that all U.S. citizens have the right to travel freely, specifically, that U.S. citizens may travel within the U.S. as non-commercial, personal travelers without any need for any type of government document granting "permission" to do such traveling.

If this were true, you should be able to search websites including YouTube for text strings such as, "I drive without a license by claiming common law right to travel" and you should find examples of people who have claimed the federal common law rights of travelers to get away with driving without a license or plates or even insurance. And in fact, you do find that.

The Threat to Democracy: Centralized Governments, Surveillance, and the Importance of Communication

In today's world, it is crucial to address some concerning issues that pose a threat to democracy. Firstly, it's evident that the United States lacks a true democratic system, as evidenced by the manipulation of language to manipulate public opinion.

Secondly, the justice system seems to prioritize profit over justice, with incarceration being used as a means to generate revenue for the benefit of a few. Lastly, there is a need to address the ethical implications of torturing individuals and the importance of treating all living beings with respect.

Furthermore, it is crucial to explore the potential consequences of allowing centralized governments to harness the power of machine technology and artificial intelligence. This could lead to a loss of individual freedoms and the rise of autonomous military systems, replacing human soldiers. To mitigate this, a global adoption of cryptocurrency could render traditional government-controlled currencies obsolete and empower individuals.

It is important to engage in open discussions and voice alternative ideas to ensure the preservation of democracy. Therefore, I encourage readers to share their thoughts and opinions in the comments section below the article.

Centralized Control's Effect on Individual Liberties

While focusing on the United States as a primary example, it becomes evident that states play a significant role in curbing individual freedoms within a federal republic composed of centralized republics. In contrast to a democracy where all individuals participate in decision-making, a republic relies on a small group of people making decisions on behalf of the majority.

The concept of 'democracy' itself is often misunderstood, as having its origins in ancient Greece, which was even considered the "birthplace of democracy," until recent years. While it gave rise to something vaguely similar, its ideals codified into a system of Greek government unfortunately excluded women and slaves from participating in the decision-making processes of the day. Democracy on the other hand requires the active involvement of all adults in a nation, and it is the internet that has made this idea actually feasible and quite possible on national and even global scales.

The internet provide the needed architecture for democracy, and it is easy to envision it enabling mass participation in national and state-level decisions, contract allotments, and the creation of new legislation or the modification of existing law.

Instant communication across vast distances will soon be a game changer challenging centralized governments' control over information and decision-making. Other factors are also needed. This newfound freedom of communication has not only empowered people but also threatened centralized governments and authoritarian regimes. Countries with nuclear capabilities and ambitions to dominate the world have resorted to massive surveillance and spying to control public and private communications.

China Reacts to Threats to Centralized Control By Fighting Against Free Web & Decentralized Forms of Free Currency

The Chinese government, for instance, has taken extreme measures to suppress the internet and eliminate cryptocurrencies and mining operations. Unlike the US where the freedom of speech over encrypted networks such as TOR is a legally protected and guaranteed right under Federal law, China's laws do not guarantee any such freedoms, nor do they require Chinese citizens to take up available arms and make citizens arrests of officials who might attempt to limit access to the encrypted or privacy-protected web using TOR browser.

In the US, a key difference is that citizens are not only encouraged to take up arms, meaning we are not simply encouraged to use all necessary force to bring officials to justice when they attempt to unseat our elected legislators and commit acts of revolution, we are required by law to do si using language that makes it clear as day:

citizens who lend support to revolutionary attempts by turning a blind eye or failing to act, can be put to death in most circumstances for lending support through inaction, not unsimilar from the policy that soldiers caught sleeping on Guard duty may be summarily executed for endangering the rest and failing to meet their obligations.

How strange to consider the fact that anyone who has their federal rights obstructed has a duty to arrest and detain the responsible state official for questioning by federal authorities.

Our current national state of affairs has shifted away from federal law to such an alarming extent that the likely outcome of making such arrests today would be to face criminal charges and incarceration by the same revolutionary offenders, meaning State officials that our national rule of law requires us to stop by force and to arrest.

The Effect That Putting Down Revolutionary Attempts by States Could Have Now

If state officials believed for one moment that the United States Federal constitution were still in effect, or that there existed a federal government or federal enforcement body tasked with upholding federal law, they would not only stand down when the citizens arrests occurred in response, they would be unwilling to violate our federal rights in the first place, or from the start. Sadly there is no such enforcement body and the only federal enforcement agencies that do exist are geared towards filling federal prisons with more heads.

Agencies such as the FBI are fully unconcerned with enforcing civil rights and instead act as imprisoning agencies which again, prey upon the same civilian populations being preyed upon and recruited into State prisons. Essentially US taxpayers are subjected to a twice-tortured existence within two overlapping jurisdictions of centralized government, both aimed at stripping away personal liberties and freedoms.

The freedoms lost in all cases are basic animal freedoms and human behaviors that were not crimes at our former nation's founding. The freedoms taken have included those relating to those unexplainably 'criminalized' set of normal human behaviors surrounding the pursuit of happiness, including the personal use of drugs or the perception of addiction being a legal problem rather than what it is: a medical, health related issue.

If the modern central government that was observed to gradually replaced the American/US government and its rule of law were to declare that using drugs was illegal, it would be the same as telling a car owner that putting certain kinds of parts or brands of gasoline in their engines or gas tanks was illegal because the effect of both would be to say respectively as a government that, "I own your body." or "I own your car."

So to prevent the riots that would ensue from such radically authoritative ideas being put forth by the group that came to power by revolting against the US government, it instead labels the "possession" of a some chemicals as a "crime."

Ownership Over Civilian Bodies, Voices and Minds: Criminalizing the Pursuit of Happiness in The Former US

Possession however, is singled out exclusively in hopes that few people realize that the effect is identical: the modern replacement of the US state and federal governments are claiming louder and more clearly than ever, "Your body is my property and I decide what goes into it what does not." The rational is that the servant class or citizen/slave class the new centralized state and fedral government perceives as their workers, ought to be in good shape for building bigger kingdoms and infrastructure. You don't want to waste slave labor by having them stay home getting high, you want them out building an empire, slashing at each other's throats to get another one of you valuable debt-based paper dollars. They are to see these as valuable if the new regime is to remain in place.

If we collectively valued cryptocurrency instead of fiat debt-paper, the power elite would either fade into the distance or wage some form of nuclear global catastrophe to destroy what they failed to enslave.

They might do so in order to see if something a little bit more dollar friendly didn't crawl out from the rubble and replace then population that rejected... -> the only tool the elite has to stay in control of global populations: fake play money which they control exclusively and can print forever.

This is true in the same way it would be true that by criminalizing the possession of certain fuels the root message would be to claim a new government ownership over all of our privately purchased vehicles on the road.

Thus the right to travel freely and the right to pursue happiness have already fallen away and are no longer present in the nation that replaced the United States under the group that replaced its government sometime between the founding and the 1950s. It was during that general time period that the prohibition of marijuana and other drugs was put into effect for reasons that are still unknown and widely debated.

Alternatively one could also support the argument that the point at which our national currency became infinitely printable tool of fraud and inflation, was the end of the founder's United States. This refers to the point at which the US dollar was unpegged or became unbacked by any precious metal, aka the gold standard as the exact point on the national timeline at which the United States fell to revolutionary efforts from within its leadership. This is a fair enough argument and it is one that is easy to defend.

An Assassination Not So Mysterious After All

The last politician to upset the power elite and its quest for economic domination, by suggesting that its preciously ever-printable US dollar be reattached to a precious metal standard, saw things turn out rather poorly for himself. Why? Repegging the dollar to a precious metal standard would place a limit on the dollars we could print by making sure we have the value to back each one.

This would lessen or eliminate inflation, the devaluation of each dollar as more are printed and added to a system. Now while it's true that the last US politician to suggest limiting the printing of the elite's dollars by pegging them to a silver standard could not see or understand his "error" any more than he could see the white matter of his brains fly onto the back seat of his motorcades convertible, after they flew out his head, others have been able to piece the "mystery" surrounding his death together to a conclusive extent.

Within circles of over-educated or properly educated thinkers, this fact has been understood for over a decade now: JFK was murdered by an assassin sent on by the US power elite to teach puppet politicians of Kennedy's era what what happens to those who would dare to limit the elite's new ability to engage in global expansionism by over-printing US dollars and injecting them into foreign nations to gain political leverage virtually anywhere outside our national borders.

President John F. Kennedy was murdered for challenging fiat or debt-based play currency only weeks after he officially suggested the silver standard be put in place for the US dollar. The elite intended to solve a challenge to their economic death grip on US citizens' saving accounts and on foreign nations by showing future American puppet leaders the truth about our "deep government" by making sure cameras were live when their target's head was blown apart onto his wife's lap as they were driving through Texas one sunny day.

The assassination now appears to have been unquestionably carried out by a group that was never caught yet hides in plain sight as the captains of national industry, the US power elite. In fact its single digit number of named stateside members have never denied killing president Kennedy or doing so for that reason.

A Quest to Consolidate Decision Making Power

Nevertheless, the quest to destroy democratic values and consolidate power is a uniquely human endeavor. Other species do not exhibit such power grabs or militaristic efforts to control others. The burden of centralized governance falls solely on humans, as they continue to create tools of destruction. Dictators and governments seek the authority and expertise of scientists, particularly physicists, to develop more powerful weapons.

It is worth mentioning that Albert Einstein, along with other brilliant scientists, unintentionally contributed to the development of atomic weapons. However, their intention was to prevent other nations from using such weapons, not to unleash destruction on civilian populations. The manipulation of scientific minds by centralized governments is a recurring theme in history.

The warning issued by former US President Eisenhower about the industrial military complex highlights the dangers of centralized power and the influence of the military-industrial complex. Entities such as Haliburton, Dick Cheney, and the Carlyle Group exemplify this influence.

Unfortunately, humanity's claim to superiority lies in its invention of tools for mass destruction and the consolidation of power by the wealthiest individuals. This has made large urban centers vulnerable to devastating nuclear attacks, endangering countless lives.

This precarious situation will persist until all nuclear arsenals are dismantled, rendering weapons of mass destruction nothing more than relics of the past. However, the existence of such weapons perpetuates the threat of global terrorism and promotes a cycle of fear and compliance. The production and possession of nuclear weapons are supported solely by governments and the institutions influenced by government-backed think tanks.

Furthermore, there are instances where intelligence agencies, such as the United States' Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), have been involved in influencing religious organizations to align with their policies. This manipulation was evident in the Lutheran Church and Missouri Synod, where top-level organizers and content writers were found to have connections to the CIA. These connections resulted in the production of literature and policies supporting the expansion of the US nuclear capacity.

The speeches given by President Ronald Reagan, influenced by CIA operatives within the Lutheran Church, aimed to create an image of communism as an enemy force. However, true communism, where the people collectively own the means of production, has never been successfully implemented in history. It remains a fantastical notion, often misused by dictatorial regimes to maintain centralized control.

The centralization of power and decision-making within a select group contradicts the principles of justice and individual freedom. Throughout history, evidence suggests that whenever decision-making authority is concentrated in a centralized body, notions of justice crumble, and individuals are stripped of their inherent rights and freedoms. In contrast, the natural world demonstrates a harmonious balance where freedom and peace coexist, undisturbed by the quest for power.

It becomes clear that possessing tools of destruction, whether spears, guns, or nuclear weapons, disrupts the natural order and threatens the freedom of any species. While humans may possess unique abilities in tool creation, it is also our greatest downfall, as these tools can be turned against ourselves and the world.

Therefore, it is crucial to reassess our values and consider alternative paths that prioritize freedom, autonomy, and respect for all living beings. By dismantling centralized power structures and embracing decentralized forms of governance, we can pave the way for a more just and peaceful society.

In conclusion, the challenges to democracy are multifaceted, ranging from the manipulation of language and justice system to the rise of surveillance and centralized power. The internet has provided a platform for greater participation and direct democracy, but it is also susceptible to control and suppression by authoritarian regimes.

To preserve democracy and safeguard individual freedoms, it is essential to foster open dialogue and promote decentralized systems that empower individuals. By supporting the adoption of cryptocurrencies and dismantling weapons of mass destruction, we can create a world where freedom, justice, and peace prevail.

States have enacted stringent restrictions on the rights and privileges of Americans, often with profound consequences and at the expense of Federal law. For instance, numerous states have curtailed the right to bodily autonomy for millions of American women, leading to significant impacts on their lives and health.

The Battle for Bodily Autonomy

The right to travel freely has been curtailed in instances where individuals seek to obtain an abortion. This restriction, imposed by states, has sparked a contentious debate on the balance between individual rights and state authority.

States have also initiated a campaign against the right to express one's gender and sexuality, ostensibly under the guise of "protecting children." This crusade has led to threats of child seizure from parents who believe their children require gender-affirming care.

The Threat to Free and Fair Elections

States have also begun to renege on the promise of free and fair elections, a cornerstone of the American republic so often confused with a democracy. This development is particularly alarming, as it undermines the very foundation of our republic.

The Historical Context of Sub-National Authoritarianism

The emergence of these state-led restrictions should not come as a surprise. The United States has a long history of grappling with various forms of sub-national authoritarianism. These state and local tyrannies have sustained themselves through exclusion, violence, and the political security provided by the federal structure of the American political system.

The Struggle for Universal Rights

The history of American political life can be seen as a struggle to dismantle these sub-national units of oppression and establish a universal and inviolable grant of political and civil rights. This struggle has seldom been backed by the force of the national government, highlighting the importance of federal intervention in protecting individual rights and the results we see today instead.

The Challenge of Upholding Universal Rights

We now face some appearance of an organized political movement, aiming to undermine universal American rights and core freedoms. This movement seeks to elevate the rights of states over those of travelers, meaning everyone, in an attempt to protect and secure traditional patterns of domination and the status it brings among circles of leadership?

The Evolution of the Bill of Rights

The Bill of Rights, ratified in 1791, is often viewed as a set of basic, universal rights. However, this perspective is a relatively recent development in the history of American constitutional law. Before the passage and ratification of the 14th Amendment in 1868, the Bill of Rights was understood to be a limit on national authority.

The Impact of the 14th Amendment

The 14th Amendment marked a significant shift in this understanding, stating that no state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States. This amendment aimed to ensure that states could not deprive any person of life, liberty, or property without due process of law.

The Ongoing Fight for Rights

Despite setbacks, the 14th Amendment set in motion a process whereby rights became attributes of a national citizenship rather than a welter of local statutes. Many of the legal and political triumphs of the 20th century involve the fight to give substance to and expand the scope of these rights.

The Threat to Our Progress

However, this progress is under threat. Conservative and reactionary forces aim to reverse these triumphs, seeking to untether these rights from the Constitution. The plan is to shrink and degrade the very notion of national citizenship, leaving us once again at the mercy of the states.

The Misconception of Freedom?

These forces aim to place fundamental questions of political freedom and bodily autonomy into the hands of local authorities. They label their whims as "freedom" and their urge to dominate as "liberty." This misinterpretation of freedom and liberty poses a significant threat to the universal rights we have fought so hard to establish.

The Call to Action

It is crucial that we remain vigilant against these threats and continue to fight for the preservation of our universal rights. We must not allow the progress we have made to be undone. Instead, we must strive to further expand the scope of these rights, ensuring that they are upheld not just by the federal government, but by every state in the nation.


The greater of great threats to American freedom is not from a distant, central government, but from each relatively closer, distant, central government within the states themselves. It is each person's responsibility to ensure that the rights and freedoms we have fought for are upheld and protected. One must continue to strive for a society where rights are not just words on a piece of paper, but a reality for every American, regardless of their state of residence. That is what the founding fathers gave us. The aforementioned rights and freedoms continue to be our property as Americans.

Throughout history, psychologists have explored the essence of human nature and the innate longing for freedom. One influential study, conducted by renowned psychologist Abraham Maslow, introduced the concept of the hierarchy of needs, with self-actualization at its pinnacle. This theory suggests that individuals strive for personal growth, fulfillment, and the realization of their full potential. The soldiers' defiance against Putin's leadership can be viewed as a manifestation of their yearning to achieve self-actualization and live in alignment with their own values.

// Using mermaid.js

graph TB SA[Self-Actualization]
-->|Creative Activities| CA SA 
-->|Personal Growth| PG SA 
-->|Achievement| A EN[Esteem Needs] 
-->|Self-esteem| SE EN 
-->|Recognition| R EN 
-->|Freedom| F LB[Love and Belongingness Needs] 
-->|Friendship| FR LB -->|Intimacy| I LB -->|Family| FA SN[Safety Needs] 
-->|Personal Security| PS SN -->|Health| H SN -->|Employment| E PN[Physiological Needs] 
-->|Food and Water| FW PN 
-->|Shelter| S PN 
-->|Rest| RE style SA 
fill:#f9a825,stroke:#000000,stroke-width:2px style EN 
fill:#ffca28,stroke:#000000,stroke-width:2px style LB 
fill:#ffc400,stroke:#000000,stroke-width:2px style SN 
fill:#ffab00,stroke:#000000,stroke-width:2px style PN 



I knew something was absolutely wrong when I went to GA10 Court and found the attorney assigned to me refused to get the evidence I asked him for. Shawn Tiernan seems like he works for Prosecutor Smith in every way. He actually told me "The law does not apply." I mean really? In a court? I've played on basketball courts with more jurisdiction. Leave it to lawyers right?"


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